Meet Chris

Senior Web Developer, WordPress Expert

I design, build, and manage websites that are fast, reliable, and use the latest technology so you can get the most out of your business.


Discuss company goals.


Work together - create vision.


Make the blueprint a reality.


Test, revise, and go live.
website wireframe

Professionally built to last

Everyone has access to website builders and nearly everyone can build a website that’s functional. The problem is, have they built it right? How is it affecting your rank on Google? What technical steps have been missed? Is poor coding affecting speed or a website’s future reliability? The list is endless.

That’s where I come in. Why not work with a professional web developer that specialises in this field and knows these things inside and out? Get the most out of your website without the doubt or the hassle.

Responsive & high performance designs

Everyone has access to website builders and nearly everyone can build a website that’s functional. The problem is, have they built it right? How is it affecting your rank on Google? What technical steps have been missed? Is poor coding affecting speed or a website’s future reliability? The list is endless.

That’s where I come in. Why not work with a professional web developer that specialises in this field and knows these things inside and out? Get the most out of your website without the doubt or the hassle.

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online shopping website

A Fast & Easy to use visual editor

There are a lot of visual builders out there, and we know the pros and cons on all of them. While some of our custom builds may opt not to have a visual builder, we also provide the option for one. Of course, we don't just use any builder, so you will generally have an option between 2-3 high performance variants based on your own preferences.

Edit sitewide templates, manage headers and footers, blocks, and more without ever having to touch a line of code.

Custom integrations & AI Chat

Looking to improve your customers' experience? Why not try leveraging the potential of AI to deliver tailored experiences to them. Your chatbot will be able to act as a sales representative for your business or idea, fully informed by the data you give it and able to organically chat within those boundaries.

Whether it be general questions or information about features, your AI assistant will be able to answer with perfect accuracy within seconds.

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A CMS that actually works

All of the good, none of the bad

Whether you are familiar with WordPress, are a total newcomer, or have had mixed experiences in the past - what we build for you takes things to a whole new level. Our custom theme and enhancements takes the strengths of an open source CMS like WordPress, and leaves the bad and convoluted bloat that get in the way. Your website with us will have everything you're used to, plus a bunch of quality of life improvements.

Know your website is secure

There are a lot of designers and agencies out there that can build websites fast and sometimes cheap, and nearly all of them struggle with the same issue - security. WordPress is notorious for being a bit tricky to keep up to date and because it is so versatile, people tend to install a lot of plugins, and with it a lot of security vulnerabilities.

With a combinations of our own in-house plugin and various techniques, we are able to not only improve the security of other plugins, but even WordPress core itself, such fighting off bots, brute force attacks, DDoS, and more.

Additional features included:

  • Enhanced & customisable login experience with improved security & brute force protection, along with 2FA, CSRF, & more
  • Tools to enhance productivity like duplicating pages & custom post types
  • Manage most of WordPress core settings that are not normally available
  • Manage users more effectively, like swapping to a user to help troubleshoot
  • Eliminate reliance on most 3rd party plugins
  • Remove WordPress bloat to maximise performance
  • Visual builder that makes it easy to make content updates
  • Managed updates and new features as they become available
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Our Website Fundamentals

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Understand the business goal

Clear concepts create effective conversions. We always focus on the actual business need first.
affiliate marketing

Visualise customer experience

Effective UX means becoming the customer. Our designs are always from that perspective.
web development

Craft & deploy clean code

Clean code isn't just a nice to have, it makes everything fast and more manageable.

Robust security & monitoring

All website builds are thoroughly hardened against the latest security threats.

Accessible and easy to update

Updating content should be easy, so your experience is always a high priority.

Bug-free and worry-free

Websites are complicated, so we try to reduce the headache by maximising compatibility.

Our Preferred Tech Stack

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3 web tools


Create something

Frequently asked questions

Web designers and web developers each play distinct roles in creating a website, though their tasks often intersect. Understanding the difference between the two can help you appreciate the comprehensive skill set of someone who is proficient in both areas.

Web designers are primarily responsible for the visual aspects of a website. They create the layout, graphics, and other visual elements that make up a site's user interface. They focus on aesthetics and user experience, using design software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator and markup languages like HTML and CSS to create their designs.

Web developers take these designs and turn them into functioning websites. They work with more complex coding languages such as JavaScript, PHP or .NET to build interactive features. For instance, they might create complex forms or integrate APIs for specific functionalities like payment systems.

Hiring someone who is proficient in both areas—often referred to as a full-stack developer—offers several advantages:

  • Seamless Integration: When one person understands both design principles and coding practices, there's likely to be more seamless integration between these two aspects of web creation.
  • Efficiency: Having one person handle both design and development can streamline communication since you won't need to go back-and-forth between different team members for design changes or functionality updates.
  • Consistency: A full-stack developer can ensure consistency across your website since they're involved with every aspect of its creation—from how it looks to how it functions.
  • Cost-Effective: Hiring one person skilled in both areas could be more cost-effective than hiring separate individuals for each role.
  • Problem Solving: If an issue arises during development that affects design (or vice-versa), someone with knowledge in both areas will be better equipped to find solutions without compromising on either aspect.

While designers and developers each have their unique roles, hiring someone who is proficient in both areas can ensure a more integrated, efficient, and consistent approach to building your website.

Building a website requires more than just choosing a template and adding content. It involves an understanding of design principles as well as technical proficiency. While DIY website builders can be useful for creating simple sites or blogs they often fall short when you need more complex features or customizations.

In contrast, professional web designers not only bring their expertise in creating visually appealing designs but also their technical knowledge which enables them to handle complex tasks like custom coding and API integrations. This means they can create unique features tailored to your specific needs, such as custom forms, interactive elements, and more.

For instance, if you wanted to add a live chat feature on your site or integrate a booking system for appointments, a professional web developer would know how to implement these by integrating the necessary APIs. Similarly, if you needed a unique feature that isn't available in standard plugins or templates, they could develop custom code to create this functionality.

Professionals can ensure your website is optimized for SEO – helping it rank higher on search engine results. They can optimize your website's performance and security - factors that not only affect user experience but also your website's ranking on search engines.

Hiring a professional saves you time and effort. Instead of spending hours learning how to build and manage a website yourself – time that could be spent focusing on other aspects of your business – you can rely on the expertise of professionals who know how to handle this efficiently and effectively.

A professionally designed website can significantly benefit your business. It ensures your brand appears credible and trustworthy, which is crucial in attracting more visitors and converting them into customers. By providing an optimal user experience, it can also increase customer satisfaction and encourage repeat visits.

Page speed is a critical factor for both SEO and the overall success of your website because it affects every aspect of how users interact with your site. Search engines like Google use page speed as a ranking signal because a faster page provides a better experience for users. Here’s why it’s important:

  • User Experience: Fast-loading pages help ensure that visitors can quickly access content without waiting too long. This leads to higher engagement rates and longer visit durations.
  • Bounce Rate Reduction: If a page takes too long to load, visitors are more likely to leave before seeing any content – this increases bounce rates which negatively impacts SEO rankings.
  • Conversion Rates: For e-commerce sites or any business aiming for conversions through their website – whether signing up for newsletters or making purchases – faster pages typically convert at higher rates than slower ones.

Professionally optimizing your site's page load time involves various techniques such as image compression, minifying CSS/JavaScript files, leveraging browser caching, utilizing content delivery networks (CDNs), and more. We take care of all of this with every build, so you're not only improving search engine rankings but also providing visitors with the seamless experience they expect.

Conforming to Google PageSpeed and Lighthouse standards is crucial for your website's performance because these tools measure the quality of your site in areas that directly impact user experience. PageSpeed Insights evaluates the loading time of your site and provides suggestions for improvement, while Lighthouse audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more.

By adhering to these modern standards, you ensure that:

  • Your website loads quickly, which is vital since slow-loading pages frustrate users and increase bounce rates.
  • Your site is optimized for mobile devices, which is essential as more people use smartphones to browse the internet.
  • You provide an accessible web experience to all users, including those with disabilities.
  • You maintain good SEO practices that can boost your search engine rankings.

At AlphaScript, while we do not chase a perfect score at all costs, we do strike a great balance between practical user experience, budget, and making Google happy. Most of our sites will score 90+, with heavier media based sites usually above 70-80%. If you are struggling to get the most out of your website, feel free to reach out and see how we can help!

Professional web designers bring in-depth knowledge of key design elements such as typography, colour theory, visual hierarchy, and user experience design principles. They also understand how to optimize websites for speed and search engines - crucial factors that influence your site's performance and visibility online.

A responsive web design is critical in today’s mobile-first world where people access content on various devices - from desktops to smartphones. Professional designers ensure that your site adjusts its layout based on the screen size of the device it’s viewed on, providing an optimal browsing experience for all users.

A well-designed website by professionals has significant implications for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Professionals consider factors like site structure, loading speed, mobile optimization - all of which are crucial for search engines when ranking websites - ensuring that your site adheres to best practices for increased visibility online.

Keeping your website up-to-date is crucial for several reasons, such as security, performance, and compatibility. However, it's not as simple as just hitting the 'update' button every time a new version of a plugin or WordPress itself is released. A professional web developer can help strike the right balance.

The frequency of updates depends on various factors. For content-related updates aimed at SEO optimization and user engagement, you may want to update your website more frequently - perhaps weekly or bi-weekly. However, technical updates related to WordPress core, themes or plugins require a more strategic approach.

Updating your WordPress site is important for security reasons because many updates address vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers. Staying updated also ensures you're taking advantage of performance improvements and new features that can enhance user experience.

However, automatically updating everything as soon as an update becomes available can sometimes cause issues. For example:

  • Compatibility Issues: Not all plugins and themes are immediately compatible with the newest version of WordPress. An update could potentially break certain features on your site.
  • Stability: New versions often have bugs that are usually fixed in subsequent minor releases. Immediately updating to a new version might expose your site to these bugs.

This is where a professional web developer comes in handy:

  • Testing Updates: Web developers usually test these updates in a staging environment - an exact copy of your live website - before applying them to the live site.
  • Troubleshooting: If an issue arises from an update, developers have the technical knowledge to troubleshoot the problem and find solutions quickly.
  • Custom Updates: Sometimes custom-coded functionalities might not work with updated versions of WordPress or certain plugins; developers can modify this custom code accordingly.
  • Security Monitoring: Developers also monitor your website for potential security threats and ensure that any critical security updates are implemented promptly.

While it's essential to keep your website updated for optimal performance and security, it's equally crucial to ensure these updates don't disrupt your site's functionality or user experience. A professional web developer understands these nuances and can help manage updates effectively, striking the right balance between maintaining the most current versions and ensuring site stability.

A CMS or Content Management System is a tool that allows you to manage website content without needing technical knowledge. Professionals can customize CMS platforms like WordPress or Joomla! to create a unique, user-friendly and easily manageable website that meets your business needs.

Have another question? Let me know.

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Transform your online business with cutting-edge web solutions that promise speed, reliability, and security.

Experience bespoke website design, premium hosting, and stress-free maintenance — all expertly crafted to your needs. Reach out now for a tailor-made digital experience that sets you apart!

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