Elevate Your WordPress Experience

Welcome to a more modern WordPress where efficiency, security, and user experience converge. Our advanced plugin, along with extensive developer experience, are meticulously designed to enhance your WordPress site without compromising its integrity.

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Seamless Integration, Powerful Performance

Our plugin integrates effortlessly with your existing WordPress site, using core PHP and standard WordPress actions/hooks for maximum compatibility. Need to debug or deactivate for any reason? Your site will work exactly as it did before, of course without all the amazing features you may be missing out on.

We prioritize your website's stability by steering clear of modifications to core files, ensuring smooth operation, simple management, and forward compatibility.

Introducing Alfred AI:
Your Digital Sentinel

Activate Alfred AI to unlock a suite of proactive monitoring tools:

  • Instant alerts for security vulnerabilities
  • Performance optimization suggestions
  • SEO improvement opportunities
  • Accessibility enhancements
  • Hosting configuration checks
  • Plugin conflict resolutions
  • Vulnerability updates for plugins
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A Fast & Easy to use visual editor

There are a lot of visual builders out there, and we know the pros and cons on all of them. While some of our custom builds may opt not to have a visual builder, we also provide the option for one. Of course, we don't just use any builder, so you will generally have an option between 2-3 high performance variants based on your own preferences.

Edit sitewide templates, manage headers and footers, blocks, and more without ever having to touch a line of code.

Unrivaled Security Features

Fortify your website with our robust security toolkit:

  • Code editing prevention as recommended by WordPress.org
  • Complete control over updates
  • Customizable login URLs and templates
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA) options including enforcement settings for admins
  • XMLRPC control
  • REST API protection and whitelisting
  • User enumeration prevention
  • And much more...
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Tired of things breaking?

Hosting companies aren't reliable

Even if you're coming from some of the better hosting companies like Siteground or WP Engine, you've probably been let down by now with countless errors during updates, frequent downtime, or surprisingly high costs. The reality is, companies like these are in it to cut costs and features at your expense. They simply are just acceptable at their best, and not scalable and costly at their worst.

While you may not have the time or resources to manage your own hosting, you should own it and have a scalable approach in place for when you need to expand.

Managed Updates Require Experience

Most companies will keep their costs unrealistically low by outsourcing technical support. This means that not only is your data possibly being passed overseas, but also that you are getting level 1-tier talent to manage/fix your issues. Over time, these cracks will start to show and cost your business time and money.

Your site should be managed and maintained locally, keeping it secure but also ensuring the highest quality standards.

Doing It Yourself Isn't Sustainable

Small businesses often start by doing everything on their own. While this is fine at first, your time will become more and more split and should be focused on the business, not the technical side of things. Web development, UX trends, and SEO, are a constantly evolving landscape that are incredibly hard to keep up with - even for professionals.

Leave the technical stuff to us, so you can grow your business and deliver what matters most.

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Core Features

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Complete Control

Gain control over core WordPress features that should come out of the box without tons of plugins.
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Better Tools

Build your site faster and with better quality using our built-in duplication tool, among others.
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Improved Security

Know that your WordPress site will adhere to modern security standards and be safe.

Solutions for ...

Our Preferred Tech Stack

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Ready to get started?

Elevate your WordPress experience today with less complexity, better performance, complete control, & more security.

Consultations are free and we are happy to answer any questions you might have. If you want to build a faster, smarter, and better website that represents your brand, just reach out and let us know your requirements today.

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